Q-1. Are there any mandatory fields for mapping GHL fields with form fields?
Ans: Yes, the form must have either an email or phone field mapped to a corresponding GHL field.
Q-2: What does the Invalid custom fields error in the plugin log mean?
Ans: This error occurs when there is incorrect mapping, such as mapping a single-line GHL field to the {all_fields} of the form fields.
Then this type of error message they will received.
Q-3: How do I map radio button custom fields with form fields?
Ans: There is an exception when mapping radio button custom fields with form fields. Do not pass (':value') after the selected radio button form field, as GHL does not accept the value for radio buttons. Simply pass the radio button form field name, as shown in the image below.
Same method follows for the Multiline Form Field value mapping with the GHL Form Field,
Step-1: Create a Multiline Custom Field in your GHL CRM.
Step 2: Map the value of the GHL Multiline Custom Field to the Multiline Form Field.
Q-4: Why does Invalid Authorization appear when connecting a subaccount from the list?
Ans: This issue is caused by a cache problem. To resolve it, clear the cache from the browser where you are logged into the GHL account, or log out of the GHL account and log back in. This should fix the issue.